What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

I had a mold issue in my home and SERVPRO was quick to give me an inspection that same day! I was extremely worried but they were quick to work and fix the problem. 

SERVPRO of Park la Brea was so awesome to work with! They have such a wonderful team and they definitely knew what they were doing with the water leak in my apartment. 5 stars!!!

SERVPRO helped me in my time of need! My rental was covered in mold and they helped do mold cleanup back to normal! 

This team was prompt and assisted me through the entire mold damage process! 

Mold was all over my home! SERVPRO came and did a mold cleanup and it was great! 

Water damage is not easy to go through, but SERVPRO helped me through the entire process!